Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting out of debt - Google Search

Getting out of debt; Loans debt and credit debt, is debt consolidation the best way to get out of debt? This blog is going to be a record of my attempt at credit repair. My first step is to research different ways of getting out of debt. Getting out of debt - Google Search. The top site in my search results looks like a really good resource and I will be going back Virginia Tech - Virginia Cooperative Extension - Getting out of Debt. What I am doing to get out of debt is not a recommendation to anyone else. I’m sharing my plans and actions, so that by sharing it might help someone. Everyone in debt and getting out of debt should find their own solution because no two situations are the same. Some of the advice I am going to apply to my own situation is to reduce spending, although that seems so obvious I want to go step by step. I am going to contact creditors and explain my situation and try to work out a more manageable plan to repay my loan debt and credit debt. Impulse purchases are not really a problem for me; I'm simply trying to survive. I've made the mistake of using credit to maintain a lifestyle that I can no longer afford. I realize that a credit increase is not an option for me at this time and without an increase in my income that will lead to a bigger debt that I won't be able to pay. I won't use credit for consumable items like food, because that only increases my cost of the items in the long run, unless I can pay in full each month. Paying in full each month is impossible at this time but that is my goal. Debt consolidation is an option, if I make sure that the finance charges and payments are affordable to me. There is a recommendation that if you have more than 15% of your disposal income in debt payments, you should take steps to reduce your credit use. I've gone way over that and I am now desperate to increase my income and reduce my credit payments to come in line with that recommendation. I am now going to seek all the help I can get from a credit counseling service. If you are someone trying to get out of debt I wish you well and thank you for reading my Getting Out of Debt blog, please leave a comment.